mardi 18 novembre 2014

Project Comenius.

Our senior students take part in an international Comenius project „Eau – analyse et utilisation. So,the primary school students and their teachers decided to join this important project with their mini project related to water, which they called “A drop of water brings life”.
24th of October  was the day of the non-formal education called 
“ A drop of water brings life”.
Students were explained why water is important to plants, animals and people.  At the end of all activities an exhibition of students  works was organized near the school hall.
On the 7th of November there was a final accent – the presentation of flowers. Every class presented the chosen flower and planted it in the special ‘garden’. Suddenly, a wonderfully coloured rainbow of poppies, roses, campanulas, dahlias, hepaticas and showthistles  came into bloom on a sleety autumn day. Finally, performances were united with a song. After the festival everyone could admire an exhibition of paper flowers which were done by the Art club members of 4a and 4b. 6 year old children from kindergartens of ‘Boruzele’ and ‘ Volungele’ and their teachers watched the event. 

Pendant la sixieme rencontre des partenaires en Grece ( au mois de novembre), les jeunes alytussiens de l'école Likiskeliai ont organisé une trés belle fete dans le cadre du projet Comenius ,,Eau-analyse et utilisation'' 

 ,,Les gouttes d'eau apportent la vie'' 

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